

---Lesson of the day: Don’t listen to the voices-01

/"You said what now?/" My voice raised and now I was too angry to care, so I just stood up, forgetting that I was supposed to be near death and not protest like this. /"I have enough people trying to kill me. Now you’re telling me I have to die FOR SURE? Because this lady here is crying? COME. ON!/" I was waving my arms in the air, kicking snow and would even grab the lady by her shoulders and start shaking her while screaming on her face, but she was a ghost so it wasn’t possible.

What a shame.

The lady looked up at me like I was her long lost child she finally found and just died because a giant stepped on him. To sum up with pain in her eyes. She looked like she cared. But it would be better if she didn’t show up at all. Now I know for sure I will die. She took from me the option of hopping. I loved that option. It was the only option I had after all.
