

---Death by laziness. Be careful. It’s a thing now-01


/"Are you kidding with me right now?/"

/"I’m serious, thanks for asking. Now jump. We don’t have time./"

/"I won’t jump, you lion butt. Jump yourself./"

Yule looked me in the eyes, poked his tongue at me like a three year old kid not like the thousands years old Sphinx he is (seriously Rodor, how did you manage to get killed by this dude multiply times?) and jumped. But of course he has wings so yeah. Fine. One point for you. Don’t worry. I will get you later.

/"Now jump./"

/"I’m not going to jump off the island, you idiot!/" I threw my arms in the air and glared at him. Seriously dude? If you want me dead then just kill me. Don’t force me to commit suicide.