

---Centaur corpses … What else do I have to deal with?-01

I was actually very surprised to realize that Aatrox lived in a castle. Yep. There is a castle. My eyeballs needed a little time to come back to their sockets. Because, seriously? Dang!!!

/"She lives there?/" I pointed at the castle. Yule nodded grinning like an idiot. Of course, if I had wings, I would be grinning too. /"But it’s too far. And on top of a mountain!/" I don’t get it why did I have to point it out since IT’S A FREAKING MOUNTAIN!!!

Yule rolled his eyes at me sighing like he was dealing with a child. Well excuse me if I’m too lazy to climb a whole mountain after all the things I have been through today. And I don’t know for you, but I want to be in shape when I face this Aatrox. At least I might have enough strength to try running away. How am I supposed to run after being already dead because of climbing a whole FREAKING MOUNTAIN!!?