

---Xaxa goes swimming… in blood-03

Her lips were barely brushing mine, when a sword came out of nowhere, touching Oriana’s throat in a threatening way. /"I wouldn’t go any further./" Nova said in a dark tone that made me, Xaxa and Oriana tremble. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was the Keeper of the Ancient of Darkness and there was a lot of darkness in that tone. /"Having a body may suck, honey. Especially when I can stab it several times in a row./" The way Nova said /"honey/", made it sound like she had been listening to our conversation. If not the whole discussion, long enough to make me feel a little uncomfortable. For what reasons, I don’t know.

Oriana backed away from me. Nova’s sword didn’t leave her throat and under the dim light of the fire camp, I noticed silver blood coming out of the cut on her white skin. Maybe Nova was using more strength than I thought.