

---Plants saved my life... because apparently I keep trying to die-02

It wasn't the Death replica. I wish it was him. But no. It had to be an earth giant. Three times bigger than normal giants, made all of stone and other earthy things like flowers on their hair and cut tree trunks on their faces like bad cases of acnes. Caves for their nostrils and fir-tress as eyelashes and armpit hair. Their faces usually looked like they had spent their free time face-bumping the ground, which wouldn't be a surprise. But they love to sleep and turn into hills or mountains (depending on the size) while they're at it.

Comparing to the giant I was an ant. A little ridiculously hopeless ant. Yay me.

Judging by the size of the earth giant in front of me... well it was a baby. Let's hope her mother is sleeping. I don't want to deal with mountains now. The baby was a challenge itself.