

---Fatherly bullshit-01

Natalie was hired by Mathew a year ago, which was the only good thing he did for Jake back then. After that, he pretty much let it all to Natalie to deal with. It was only recently that he would ask Natalie after every session about Jake’s condition or call her from now and then when Jake’s behavior was too unpredictable. The last time he called her was three days ago when Jake stayed outside the whole night and came back home only early in the morning, high as a kite, talking nonsense.

Now, Mathew was waiting behind the closed door of Natalie’s office, where she and Jake were in the middle of the session.

Natalie was a middle-aged woman, with kind features and a soft voice that always gave Jake the impression of a children’s story teller. Jake was one of her favorite patients but also one of the most stubborn ones who just wouldn’t even want to get better. This gave Natalie a headache.