

Raven’s Confession

/"But I didn’t get to meet her. Or see her./" I couldn’t bear to hear anymore but he didn’t stop. /"The night that I came back here… the night that rained./" No. /"I felt her presence. I smelt her scent./" Please.

/"She smelled like the wildflower amongst the woods. Even though the rain washed it away, it-it still smelled like heaven./" Stop. /"I ran after her, but she was not there. She was gone. She-she disappeared in the woods on my own land and I couldn’t see her./" He let out a low growl.

I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. Trying to calm my aching heart. /"D-did you happen to see anyone in the woods that night? I saw you go in roughly around the same time that I smelt her./" I don’t want to answer. /"No. I did not see anyone./" I whisper, not letting my emotions flow through the words I spoke. He let out another deep growl.