

A world with no one-01


Day. Night.

One after the other. A continuous cycle of life.

I cannot remember when I stopped counting. Time waits for no one. Time heals no one. And with time comes centuries of loneliness. The kind of loneliness that makes you wonder what you are living for.

I guess I was tired of living now.

Waking up every morning to the same blue sky, life became dull. The once starry nights became just dark, ordinary, empty. Even the brightest of the stars invisible. The moon just another dot amidst that vast empty sky. All alone. All by itself.

Somehow just like me.

But somewhere deep within, I hoped for a miracle. For a falling star to make my impossible wish come true. To send me just a little fragment of life. Something to hang on. Something to hold on. Something. Anything.

A century became two and I stopped wishing.