

Sweet melody of Harmony (4)


Harmony would do anything to protect her home.

She left the land she loved so much, she spent her centuries alone, she lived as though she perished. Just so she could protect the purity of this land.

With the sweats now beading my forehead, I exert my everything in the roots of the land and flow within them along with her. I feel the earth crumble, its defence fall.

Sorry, I cannot do so much at once. I cannot protect the people, defend the walls and guide you, all at the same time.

I smile as I think of all the powerful beings fighting alongside one another. And there was the little goddess and Aries. And he was there too.

/"Don’t worry, they will be just fine./" All will be well at the end.

Through her, I feel their presence on land, and branching my conscious, I hold onto each and every one of them.
