

Forged (3) (Special)

Aries Blackwood

I open my eyes to the darkness.

Pitch black darkness was all I could see. And I doubt if my eyes were even open at this point.

But then I see something glimmer distance away and so I reach towards my only source of light which guided me to a land, painted in red, soaked in blood. Piles and piles of dead bodies covered the entirety of the land and there he stood, a boy with a sword pierced right through his heart.

He holds his ground until no heart beats the land. Then he too falls on his knees. Swinging his sword up and onto the ground, he holds his wounded body upright as if proving the land that he was invincible even in death.

And as something in that blood-soaked golden hair spurs my curiosity, I inch closer towards him, studying the lines of his equally bloodied face but his piercing blue eyes stops me from going any closer. For I see a replica of my own eyes.