

San Juan Island was larger than Kacey remembered it being. The last time she had been here was as a kid. Back then they hadn't ventured beyond Friday Harbor, where the ferry docked, because her brother had puked after eating some bad shrimp.

As Kacey and Hollis had sat on the ferry's passenger deck, she had thought of J.D. Would he ever talk to her again? Man, that guy could hold a grudge. By the time Hollis had driven the two of them off of the ferry in the Tahoe, Kacey had gone through at least a dozen ways to try and get back into his good graces. She wasn't really sure any of them would work. Her mood had remained sullen as Hollis had taken them on a half hour drive through some winding roads in the county before finally pulling up to Eustis's residence.

The guy lived in a cabin.

An actual freaking cabin. Like Grizzly Adams. Single story, probably no more than four rooms in the entire place.