

/"What if my mom doesn't let me keep him?/" The worry had been hounding me since I had recovered from the initial shock of him being mine. /"I think I'll cry./"

Actually, there was no thinking about it. I would have cried for sure. We were in the car, seatbelts on, and Milo was in the footwell, his paws propped up on the seat, positioned between my parted legs. He looked like he was trying to clamber up onto my lap, but he was simply too small, his attempts futile. He had to settle for ear scratches and nose boops.

/"I'm sure she will,/" Blake said softly, but his brow creased in a way that had me thinking that he was trying to convince himself as much as he was me. One hand lazed on the wheel whilst the other ratta-tat-tatted against the gearstick, the volume dimmed down to a background murmur. /"But let's not unpack his things until she agrees. If she says no, as I said, he'll come and live with me./"