

/"I know you didn't want to talk about your Daddy, babes, but this really upset me and I wanted to ask you about it. Will that be okay?/"

Frowning, hands curling into his packets, wrapping around his new stuffie, he gave a microscopic nod. Didn't even realise he'd been holding his breath until his chest began to wheeze and burn from the pressure. As though sensing his worry, Raven shot him his pretty smile, the one with dimples and reached over, pulling his hands free and taking them in his own. His fingers forced into the clenched fists, prying them open. He even paused to pet the birdie when it fell to the ground once his fingers had gone 'pop!'.

/"Angel told me that you told him a few weeks ago that Adam said you're not allowed to be the most sweetest little boy anymore, and he's refusing to be your Daddy. Is that true, squiggles?/"