

To a degree. The sound of the river, of the loud guzzling of fast flowing water, it still knocked him sick. Still had his insides jamming up and turning to ice.

/"At the time, it don't seem so bad, but after, that's when the trauma hits. And maybe what he was doing didn't seem so bad to begin with, but if that's how far it went, if that's how your mind's reacted to it, then it wasn't okay, babes. And pinning you down, even if you didn't want to, that's rape./"

/"He was my boyfriend, R — /"

/"There's a whole spectrum of rape, Ro. And it isn't always grabbing girls in alleyways or roofieing somebody's drink. There's statortoy rape. There's continuing if someone retracts their consent. It's holding somebody down if they don't want to. It's making them so scared that they're too afraid to make them stop. Don't matter how it happens. There's no better or worse way to experience that./"