

/"I'm sorry I kissed Angel,/" said Ronan. The beds of his nail, picked clean with the bludgeoned end of a toothpick, held a certain fascination. The kind that he doubted would have rendered itself interesting had the alternative been anything other than making eye contact with the brunette male sitting across from him. /"Well, he kissed me, but I'm still sorry./"

The delay in response set his teeth on edge. The tooth-poker slipped, slashing into the fleshy bank of his index, spearing the skin, puckering it up into a bloodless crater.

Yup. Cuz chipped, ugly nail polish wasn't bad enough. Holes in his fingers were the new in. Eat 'cha heart out, Barbie.

/"It's a good job he woke me up and told me what he did right after,/" Lucien murmured, his soft voice velvet comfort to his ears. /"Otherwise I would have been really pissed./"