

Dusk arrived quickly that evening. It stole away at the dregs of weak light, and pulled the inner city down into an engulfing shrine of all-consuming darkness. By five p.m, streetlamps blazed, their long necks casting ghoulish shadows, and headlights spread out for miles, becoming pinpricks in the distance.

It had been a somewhat productive day, and they'd hit back home sometime after six. After showering, they'd tried to scoff down Ronan's weak attempts at a home-cooked meal with the feeble shit that Raven had in the cupboards. Most of it wasn't even edible due to expiration dates or being made up of pure sugar, but there weren't too many ways one could go wrong with pasta, and after dousing the pot up with seasoning and cheese, and a healthy dose of pesto, it turned out rather pleasing, if he did say so himself.