

/"Yeah./" He smiled but there was an edge to it. He probably would have missed it if not for the mirror giving it away. But then again, it was late, and who wanted to chat when they were supposed to be pissing. /"Sorry about creeping up on uou. I'm diabetic. Was just sorting my insulin pump out./" He tapped his hip where a small bulge was just about visible above his waistband. /"Had some idiot think I was dosing up last time I did it, so privacy is usually best./"

/"Do the pumps work differently to the stabby pens?/" he asked, frowning deeply. The tipsy floating had run its course, but sobering up hadn't been kind and the inklings of a headache pummeled away at the base of his skull. Wasn't anything drastic. Not until he tried to think, that was. Then his thoughts became like a labyrinth.