

They looked left and right, and then they ran across when it was clear, giggling as they tried to win each other. Ronan just knew that he was the real winner. His birdie was just a dirty rotten cheater that had yanked him back at the last minute so he could overtake. But silly boys like birdie hadta win sometimes so he cheered and clapped for him so he'd feel special.

/"You were so fast, Daddy,/" Ronan praised, squeezing his cheeks. /"I just loves you so muchly./"

Raven, who'd started dancing in victory, pulling a YMCA in the middle of the sidewalk, ignoring the odd looks from the waifs and strays that did circle the strip of street, paused. His arms dropped to his side and his face simmered to a painfully blank boil.

/"I say something bad, birdie?/"

/"No, no, no,/" Birdie said hastily, shaking his head vigorously. /"I just . . . babes, come closer to me. Right here in my arms and say that again for me please./"