

Lightning charged the air between them, a high-octane current inducing a wild energy that surrounded his birdie like a sinister cloak. Eventually, the big guy gave a stiff incline to his head. /"He wants me to ask you—/"

/"What does he want you to ask me?/" he pressed when it became apparent that Raven's vocabulary had expired. He stood from the breakfast bar, biting back a curse when he sagged all his weight onto his bum foot. He'd have to remember that sucker was off duty, or he'd be best friends with Adderall in no time.

Whatever Raven had to say, he rolled it about his mouth like it was rot and decay, his features blending into all sorts of dramatic phases of disgust and anger. Eventually, with a shrug and a hand through his hair, he spoke. /"He wants to ask if you wanted answers. He's got Tyler with him. Got big plans for him too, but he wants to know if you have any questions before he sets to work./"

Got big plans for him.