/"Skyler,/" she said with a grin. /"This is Jamie./" She waved at Jamie, who had once again taken up his shy routine, burying his face into Stryker's side.
Skyler was young. He looked perhaps the same age as Stryker, but as he offered Jamie a dazzling smile, his face softened, becoming younger.
/"It's very nice to meet you, Jamie,/" he said sweetly. Jamie peeked up, glanced up at Stryker before hiding his face once more. /"I like your bear. Does he have a name?/"
Jamie risked a glance at him before looking down at the panda. He nodded but didn't offer the name up.
/"He's supposed to be in Gina's group but she's on holiday. Since you've only got Addy in yours right now, I was wonder if you would take him on until she gets back?/"