

Halloween Special02

Jamie's room had faced some changes, too. The crib had been taken down. After realizing the trauma his baby had faced in his metal prison crib, he had gotten rid of it. He didn't care that it could have been used as a normal bed. He had tossed it. In its place, a hammock sat. It was a double one that came with a frame so that it could be popped up anywhere.

Jamie always slept with Stryker, so he wasn't worried about his baby falling out of it, and for nap times, he either took one on the couch as he liked to settle down with his blanket and watch one of his dorky shows, or he would use Stryker's lap. The hammock was literally only for storytime, or for cuddles, and even that wasn't often as over the weeks, most of Jamie's toys and books had slowly migrated into the room they shared.