


/"You're not allowed any more juice, Chewie,/" Sylvester quietly scolded the Wookiee, wagging a finger at the furball of a teddy. /"You ate Daddy's chocolate biscuit and that was just so wrong!/"

Chest swelling with love and pride, igniting a deep, intimate warmth that spread with every breath he took, Jackson watched from the doorway of Sylvester's nursery. Arms folded across his chest, shoulder balancing against the frame, the stirrings of a smile turned the corners of his lips as he watched his baby lion play.

It was a dull day; summer had finally retired, and autumn had blossomed. The world outside was a bitter blend of colours, most of the leaves fallen, and a murkiness having hitchhiked across the sky, leaving it a greyish hue. Yet, none of that bothered Sylvester and his friends; He had drawn a bright yellow sun in the corner of the window with a felt tip pen.