

I froze at that. Felt my mouth part in shock as I took a stumbling step back so I could look at his face. /"You... love me?/"

Surprise flickered across Joel's face. Maybe he hadn't been aware of what he had been saying, but he nodded. /"How could I not?/"

/"You love Asa?/" I checked. /"Little bouncy, dino Asa?/" Just in case he knew another, slightly less awesome Asa.

/"Yes,/" Joel said softly. /"You're kind of amazing, baby boy./"

Despite it all, I couldn't help but beam at that. /"Can I show you Solar? We dressed him up, Jolly./"

/"Sure thing, buddy. Just let me finish washing these up first./"

I continued to help, if only because the quicker he was done, the quicker he got to see my giant dino. We had to pass Glenn and my father on the way up the stairs and I ignored their request for me to join them. I yanked at Joel's hand to stop him from replying, either.