

He wrapped the blanket around my shoulder, shoved the paci in my mouth- mid ramble, which I found very rude- and shoved a small stack of printer paper in front of me.

/"We're going to do something, okay, Jellybean?/"

I nodded, suddenly very nervous. He seemed very serious. Yet, all he did was place my hand on the paper and draw around it with a glittery blue gel pen that he had tucked behind his ear.

/"Asa hawnd,/" I lisped from behind the Paci, grinning in delight.

/"Yes,/" Joel said with a nod. /"Do you remember our rule about sharing your feelings?/"

I nodded.

/"Well, I know tonight has been very, very scary for you and you were so brave. I just want you to be able to talk about-and recognize-how you feel. Inside the handprint, we can put all your little feelings, how you feel right now, and outside we can put all your big feelings, all the worries and stresses that I will help protect you from, okay?/"