

Valentine Special01

/"How many chickens do you think it would take to capture an Ellie-funt, Quinny?/" I asked. My head felt funny. Everything was starting to go dizzy.

/"What kind of question is that, Asa?/" Quinn sighed, shaking her head. Her shoes were pretty. They were the princess kind. The kind that the little ladies shoved their trotters into so they could win a prince. Did that make Quinn a princess?

/"A great question. One that — /" Was it supposta hurts? Would I die if I kept doing it? /" — think that I need clawy-hands on my feeties, Quinn, cuz then I could hold on from the ceiling, and then it would all be so much betterer./"

/"Your head will explode if you keep hanging upside down, Asa. So how about you sit up, because I'm not cleaning up that mess./"