

/"Buh-bye, froggy bast-/"

/"Asa, finish that sentence, I absolutely dare you./"

I froze; did Joel have a sixth sense for when I was being bad?

Without turning to face Joel— I already knew that he had that stupid, serious look on his poopy face— I backed away from the froggy slowly, eyes narrowed on the stuffie.

/"Telling my Daddy?/" I accused. /"That is low, mista fwog. Sooo low./"

The frog that I had once thought was a prince, the one that I had once pleaded with Daddy to buy me, sat on the kitchen side. His buggy eyes watched me; he knew I knew his crimes and he knew he had to be punished!

Dental floss had formed a noose around his neck and if not for Daddy walking in when he had... Frogbert would be one croak less.

/"Asa, do you mind telling me exactly what is going on here?/"