

Joel seemed to sag beneath the use of the nickname. His shoulders, so stiff it was like they were bracing the weight of the world itself, drooped and his eyes shimmered.

/"You liked girls,/" I whispered. /"You still think they're pretty./"

/"I like you, Asa./"

/"But I only want to kiss boys, Joel. You've kissed girls. You like kissing girls. You like kissing me, too, but that doesn't mean that you dont like kissing girls. You can like both./"

Joel gave a small nod. /"That makes sense, I guess. I know what I like. I know what I want. In my head, it's all good. I know I love you. I know I want to be with you and take care of you. Sometimes, though, when it comes to putting it all into practice, I freeze up./"

/"I don't understand,/" I whispered, redabbing at my eyes.