
#Chapter273 Fate

Carmen crumbles behind me with his departure, the tears falling and the flood gates opening. Pulling all attention of us three other remaining women to her pitiful state as she sits abruptly on the ground and my heart breaks instantly. Even Meds is moved to go to her and cradles her frail figure in her arms as she weeps and buries her face in her palms.

/"I should have known this was too good to be true./" she blubs out, wiping her face and trying to regain the cold composure yet failing. She's too deeply broken by this and I can sympathize. Imprinting is a whole other level of despair when your mate rejects you. I've lived it and I hate that on top of everything this girl has gone through, she now relives some of my darkest days. Maybe she's right and the fates are punishing her because I cannot get my head around why the hell things like this would keep being thrown her way.