

The guest

/"Oh, she's sane. She's just a little all—knowing and smug for my liking. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her while in human form./" Carmen interjects, her face worn and drawn with dark circles under her eyes, telltale signs she didn't sleep at all, and she moves to rummage a small cooler beside the chest for fresh food and finds nothing. We're all tired, bellies rumbling from hunger and fed up waiting here.

/"One of us should go back to the truck for breakfast supplies. I need bacon, lots and lots of bacon./" Meadow grunts out, never cheerful in the morning without her food, and in the same breath seems to offer to be the one to do it but I shake my head.

/"I'll go, I need the walk and the headspace. This whole thing is like a dream and I have no grasp on reality. /"I make a move to get up, from my butt numbing wooden perch but flinch at the reaction.