It's Over
Jasper wastes no time in polite chat anymore, turns on his heel and with a click of his fingers to lurking shadows who instantly materialize. I shudder as several creatures materialize in thin air and take off after him, that wreaking smell and vulgar show of pale skin and long fangs. Sierra is hot on his heels without hesitation, turning to wolf, and Radar and two of the Luna's guard immediately follow close on her heels without a word being spoken. I know Colton is in all of their heads, directing, giving orders and I relax knowing we have our abilities back.
/"Shall we retire to your...... abode?/" Varro breaks in, looks up at the darkened manor which seems shabby and deserted compared to how it used to look so many months ago. His sarcasm is obvious, and I catch that little flex in Colton's body as he curbs his reaction to someone dissing his childhood home.