

The Building

It's a siren, honking hard and loud, in a pitch that causes me physical pain with its sheer volume, echoing in the air and making the surroundings shudder in trembling response. My heart elevates, until I think my chest is going to explode, my body straining to turn to wolf to get away faster, but I don't let it. I need to keep these clothes, more than ever now, and I need to get back to my tree to grab my stuff and go at some point too.

My gut tells me to abandon it all, forget about the clothes issue for now, and just run, but my logic is telling me to calm down, and halt, and rationalize about this, and stop reacting. That they couldn't have seen me, as the cameras point down, and I didn't venture near the fences. That he maybe just looked my way, but I saw no sign of reaction or recognition that someone was out here.