

/"Do you like working with Wilma?/" he finally asks, keeping his eyes steady, nothing in his voice betraying what he might be thinking and I sigh, somehow disappointed in his question but I don’t know why..

/"I guess … It’s not as challenging as working for you though … Feels more like a holiday./" I giggle as he tries to grab my leg impulsively, once again the atmosphere reverting to old, squeezing it in punishment. I bat his hand away realizing painfully we’re forgetting ourselves again so easily. He straightens back up and shakes his head at me with a mock glare, his features relaxing as he sighs and smiles instead. That genuine non showy real one.

I miss that smile.

/"I missed that sound./" His revelation silences me, the ache inside grows bigger, and I try not to look directly at him.

/"I missed your grumpy bad moods and overbearing demands./" I reply wittily, trying to shift the deep ache before it consumes me.