

I have to play this out if I’ve any chance of beating him.

Lifting my wine glass, the other hand tugging a strand of my hair, to wash down the cream cannelloni, I shiver with the smallest breeze behind me as someone passes and glance up expecting to see the maid. The elderly gentlemen walks by and leaves the room with a puce colored face and bored expression. Heat envelopes me as an arm comes around my shoulder unexpectedly and a firm hot mouth kisses me on the exposed skin.

/"Hey, bambino … You okay?/" that inner triumph sparks as Jake surrounds me with his heat and smell. Sitting in the recently evacuated seat next to me. I glance down, noting he’s brought his glass of wine with him and push down the urge to beam in his presence, instead keeping my tone controlled and flat.

/"I’m fine./" Just enough of a sigh to portray that I’m not.

I should get an Oscar for this.