

The boundary of Alvar-01

An owl hooted in the distance of dark and luxuriant forest as a man washes the sweat and dust from his face in the pond. His vigilant blue eyes burned from exhaustion and sleep. It has been three days since he started patrolling the borders of the forest to look out for the intruders. The threads of sleep coiled under his eyelids as he tried to wash them away. He rubs them gently while splashing cold water in them. It did help in reducing the burning sensation.

Just a few more days of patrolling until the army of Baden returns in its den without discerning and disturbing the peaceful forest for any resources.

Another dark figure landed in front of him to repeat the same procedure to wash away the remnants of seductive sleep. It soothes his heart knowing he wasn’t alone to guard the mighty forest, but a few of his best mates had his back too.