Chapter 13

#Chapter 13

I kitty.

Belle POV.

I took us back home after the encounter with that rude guy. Some people are just littlephobic, they would call a mommy or daddy dom a pedophile.

Laws were made to protect them from ignorant people like that dushbag. Breastfeeding helped Heath calm down enough to fall asleep, giving me an opportunity to drive us back home.

He was clinging to me for the rest of the day, refused to be put down for even a second. We skipped real food for him tonight, he was far too regressed to eat hard food.

I got him a warm bath ready to help him calm down and fall asleep. He didn't mind when i undressed him or placed him in the tub. I washed his hair and body while he played with his ducks.

I dressed him in a diaper and a footie pyjama and got him a nice warm bottle, I was hopping he'll fall asleep drinking it.