

-New Life.

Nova POV.

When he pulled me up, I kept crying, this hurt so badly, I hate him, I don't want him to hold or comfort me, too mad at him, I push him away, he allows me to get on my feet, I rub my bum which really hurt, but that's when I felt something weird on my behind, something fluffy, and furry, wtf! I pulled on it but only winced in pain now, what's that, I tried to look behind me but couldn't I was running in place trying to see what's behind me. I heard him chuckle at me entertained, I turned to him with an even bigger pout, he's a big meanie.

/"I'm not a meanie Nova/" he says in an amused voice before pointing toward the mirror, I follow him there standing in front of the mirror. The first thing I saw was something over my head, I had ears! Wolf ears over my head, when I turned around I saw a tail! A wolf tail, I turned to him with a big frown now, this is all his fault.