

---First Night

Arya POV

Playing with Mathew was so fun, he kept calling me baby. Not like the sexy baby kind you call your girlfriend, the real baby baby. You get my idea, even with his teasing I loved playing with him.

We first played on his PlayStation and he let me win calling me a cry baby when I got mad for losing for the fifth time in a row. He told me he got a daddy, his name is Jay and he's a part of the family. Mathew isn't he help with his daddy work sometimes but he mostly like to paint and he's really good at it.

We were sent outside to /"play/", one of my rules is to spend an hour out daily , it's a stupid rule in my opinion but matt said we can swim in the pool sometimes. For now we just played in the backyard there were swings, I pushed matt and he pushed me back.

/"Well it was fun playing with you baby, you're not bad like the others/" Mathew says.