

---Twins day.

Oliver POV.

It's been few days since the tree incident, I wasn't punished but man can my daddies yell. They both yelled at me for climbing trees and not calling for help.

At least they stopped yelling at each other with me being their current subject. I wasn't allowed to go play alone for three full days, I love to play with others but I hate being chaperoned.

The twins are allowed to play with me again, we spend lots of time together. They give me candy all the time which is a big plus in my dictionary.

Today is a new day and wolfie want to spend it with the twins. Me and wolfie don't fight over control anymore I let him have his fun and his part while I see everything.

Since the moment I woke up I knew my eyes were slightly glowing. I have one green eye and the other is more blueish green, they are both more radiant right now with wolfie taking control.