

Kennedy POV.

I want her, she’s a little, it’s obvious, we just need a way to make her ours, how do I ask her to become my baby without scaring her to the hills. For now, all we could do was get her room ready, before Robert, I had some random littles, it didn’t work out obviously, but I had some.

I babysit my friends littles all the time, whether it’s Liam or Henry. Back when I used to go to the club I’ve played with countless littles but none of them were my match. Some wanted too much sex, others were asexual, some were just gold diggers, and even few were perfect but sadly it didn’t work between us.

I had a great feeling about Ella, she’s the one we’ve been searching for, but first we have to get her consent we never force anyone to anything. We went to the local littles shop, our town does have a variety of bdsm shops, littles being one of them, you could find anything in our town.