

Olivia Camery

/"Are you out of your mind Olivia?/" Darren my brother burst out and I just stayed silent

/"You ranaway 2 times , do you know how humiliating this is for us?/" He burst again

/"I'm not happy here Darren , I never felt happy in this palace before/" I said calmly and he looked at me disbelief

/"You're a Princess , this is your duty whether you like it or not!/" He said and at the same time my parents walked into the room. My father looked at me with the most scary expression that I've ever seen

/"You are grounded Olivia , I want you to marry Jeremy next week!/" He stated and I showed them my hand. I threw the engagement ring

/"I threw the ring away , so there will be no marriage/" I said

/"Olivia Camery!/" My father burst out angrily

/"My love , don't be too harsh on Olivia/" My mother helped and he turned to my mother angrily

/"She's just like you!/" He pointed at me and my mother sighed