

Olivia Camery

/"This is crazy , we shopped for 1 and a half hour which is crazy/" I said

/"Oh girl , we do this because we want to take you somewhere/" Lauren smirked

/"Huh? Where?/" I asked confuse

/"Somewhere fun/" Crystal squealed

/"It's cool place and it's on the rooftop/" I put all my shopping bags into the car

/"Let's go/" Crystal took my hand. She and Lauren pulled me into a building beside the mall. We got into the lift and pressed the T button

/"Daniel won't like this/" I said

/"Oh chill , he won't like this but you will see the side of that is so rare to see/" Lauren said excited

/"You got the dress?/" Crystal asked to Lauren

/"Of course/"

/"Guys are you sure about this? Cause I'm scared/" I said