I thought the outside of this huge mansion was elegant, it does not compare to how fancy the inside looked, whoever owns this place is really rolling in the money. Toby continues to lead me further into the building, many people were stood around in fancy clothes, drinking fancy drinks, probably talking about fancy things. This place was packed with people everywhere, it reminded me of the lunch hall back at the alliance I avoid like the plague. We soon arrive in a gigantic ballroom, the walls were gold with balconies up the top. This place was even louder than the halls we just walked down, this is gonna be fun, eye freakin' roll.
/"Are my eyes deceiving me, Toby?/" A man just across the room says astonished, Toby stops in his tracks looking over at the man with a smile on his face /"you're the last person I thought I'd see here/" he smiles as we walk over and stand beside him and who I'm guessing is his mate.