

I woke up a little late for me, Toby was actually the one to wake me up worried something was wrong. I assure him I was fine before getting my butt in gear, we had so much work we needed to get done today. What was plain on my agenda was to track my mum down, only problem was I had no idea how. Toby and I walk together to the main room, which also doesn't happen a lot either. The whole way he kept asking if I was okay, I was trying not to act off but it was hard when I learnt what I did last night, could my mum be helping Richard?

Once we make it to the main room, the whole team and Lukas were already there waiting. I send them all a little smile before walking straight to Brandon, he was the only person I could think of that could help me.

/"What is it that you want my area expertise to help you with?/" He asks before I even sat down, I smile taking my seat beside him handing the name of my mother.