

When I walk back into the main room, it was pure chaos. Brandon and Julian were running around working, Morgan was shouting down the phone at whoever knows who and the two guys looked as though they were gonna puke. I stand on one of the tables and throw a box of files on the floor, it landed which a thud which did make all eyes turn to look at me.

/"This room is starting to resemble the lunch hall and we all know how much I despise that place, I know we have so much work to do but let's not go crazy!/" I exclaim as Morgan hangs up the phone, I guess that person is having a little break from all the screaming.

/"We've been trying to track down Charles Peterson or even Venessa Peterson, but we can't find any record of them on any high tech computers/" Morgan tells me still standing behind his desk, what I had to work out was how I'm going to be able to get off this table without injuring myself, I didn't think this plan through.