/"Thanks for picking me up, I seriously need to get a car./" I hopped into the car and sighed.
/"No problem, this feels like our normal thing anyway./" Alex said as he smiled at me.
He still had bruises all over his face but his face still seemed stupidly handsome.
/"So did you enjoy your visit with Lia?/" He asked as we drove back to the Summer's house.
/"She needs help./" I shook my head.
/"Yeah she's been through a lot but she just bottles it up and tries to forget it./" He shrugged his shoulders.
/"I don't know what to do./" I said.
/"Well you have to make her realize that she is hurting and her hurting leads to her problem or addiction./" Alex explained.
/"She doesn't do drugs./" I said stupidly.
/"Oh my gosh Clarity what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Cutting is an addiction./" He snorted.
/"How do you know?/" I asked him.
/"Abigail tells me things./" Alex shrugged.