/"Clarity are you having a good time?/" Amelia said as she sat down next to me fanning herself.
The moment the DJ began to play more hyper and fun music, everyone ran to the dance floor dancing with their friends without a care in the world. Lia and her group assembled together and became the center. of attention without even meaning to. It wasn't much of a surprise to me because they all looked so beautiful in their attire.
/"Yeah I'm having a pretty good time, I'm not much of a dancer so I'm not planning on going to the dance floor,/" I chuckled as Amelia looked at me with a bored expression.
/"You have to make the most of tonight! No matter how avant-garde your moves are you have to show them off! Show everyone just how graceful a butterfly moves with the wind,/" She said playfully as she fluttered as her hands as if they were butterfly wings.
/"Well what about you? Why aren't you up there?/" I questioned.