

/"What is in your back pack that you are being so secretive about?/" I asked a little annoyed now. She had been teasing me all day with this back pack, not allowing me to even see what was inside of it.

/"Okay so lesbian sex is a little bit different but not that different at the same time, we just use a little...extra help if you know what I mean,/" She chuckled as she reached inside her bag.

/"I'm not following,/" I said slowly as I began covering myself up, realizing I was the only one fully naked but at this point it didn't really matter, she had seen every inch of me at this point.

She slowly began to pull out what seemed like a bunch of straps until my eye widened at what I saw attached to the was a dildo.

A purple one to be precise.

/"What is that supposed to be for?/" I asked, but I already knew the answer to my question. I just wanted to hear it from her.