

/"Lia stop pushing me!/" Justin said as he ran after Lia who giggled and ran off into the parking lot, away from the group. Alex, Lia, Asha, and I met up with Justin, Amelia, Maddy, and Kyle at the carnival parking lot with Matt and Damien meeting up a little later.

/"Stop running around and acting like children,/" Maddy scolded as we all climbed out of our cars. Throughout our ride it remained silent except for Alex's and Lia's occasional bickering with each other but neither Asha nor I said much of a word to each other except for hello.

/"Let us live,/" Justin stuck his tongue out at Maddy as he turned around to stop chasing Lia.

/"Oh my gosh I haven't been to a carnival in so long, I used to love it when my parents took me here,/" Asha said excitedly as she clapped her hands together and looked around in awe at all of the different rides and booth games.