


Present day

/"Axel Sexton, so good to see you again./" Up close, she was even more beautiful. Her green eyes sparkled and her mouth curved into a genuine smile. Whatever beef Axel had against her, she held none for him.

My friend morphed his face into a nondescript mask. The tick in his jaw, however, gave away his dislike. /"Hey, Shondra. How’s it going?/"

Shondra’s beautiful smile widened, exposing her even white teeth. /"Good, good./" She rocked back on her pumps and shot me a questioning glance, clearly waiting for an introduction.

Axel, it seemed, wasn’t in the mood.

/"Jameson, I’ll catch you later./" My best friend, my brother, left us without another word. His abrupt departure caused an awkward silence in the space he’d vacated.

After a few seconds, I took the plunge and introduced myself. /"Hi, I’m Jameson Thijssen./"