Twelve years ago
/"Shondra. Shondra Williams,/" she said, turning our hands over.
Shondra the big.
Shondra the bold.
Shondra the beautiful.
She wore a light pink T-shirt, a gray leather jacket zipped to her mountains, and ripped blue jeans. Small silver hoops dangled from her earlobes and small glinting diamonds, three on each side, rose into her cartilage. Her makeup was over the top, like that of an Instagram model, but the bone structure underneath supported her fineness.
/"You’re beautiful, you know that?/"
She smiled, her braces glinting in the sun. I hadn’t seen the metal kind on anyone except in old sitcoms. All the people I knew could afford the invisible ones. I found the uniqueness made her even more attractive.
/"Thank you, Axel./"
I like the way she took my compliment and put it in her pocket.